1 sw lg gate after-sm.jpg

residential garden 1

The owner of this residence had a primary goal to create a garden with a calm and serene atmosphere.

5 sw W side hill after-sm.jpg

The principal viewing field, from his office, kitchen and dining room opens to the edge of natural woodland scenery. Strategically placed large boulders bridged the space and scale between the large conifers, grounding the garden area. The rock composition was created in direct view from the office sliding glass doors and kitchen windows, where the owner spends most of his time.

6 sw nobedan after-sm.jpg

We gave high priority to the woodland edge, which drops off steeply to a creek. By exercising restraint in the design and plant material, the woodland feels closer and at the same time gives more space to the garden. Japanese garden elements such as sodegaki (sleeve wall/fence), yose-ishii nobedan (a mixed stone pathway), garden gate, and rock composition add structure to the setting.

3 sw W side path-sm.jpg
4 sw sm gate-sm.jpg
6 sw corner sleevewall-sm.jpg
7 sw corner nobedan detail-sm.jpg

project 2